Thursday, August 21, 2008

Edwards the dreamboat

Now that John Edwards has joined the "can't keep your dick in your pants" camp and ruined his political career, I guess his endorsement isn't such a hot commodity. As it happens, I was flipping through an April copy of the New York Magazine last night and found a story about Edwards backed Hillary Clinton (whose husband was the leader of the aforementioned camp) over Obama -- a suprise, according to the author, John Heilemann. But, Heilemann, wrote, Obama was too bitchy so Edwards cozied up to Hillary. Obama even got into it with Elizabeth Edwards over health care plans. Oh heavens! Since the coverage still is no more substantive now than it was then here are some links that provide Obama's voting record, as well as McCain's -- the Republican contender, who is ahead of Obama in some polls (can you believe it?!!!).

There are plenty others but the Washington Post has the easiest one to use, I think.

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