Monday, October 09, 2006


Silence is golden...but all good things must come to an end.
I've been trying to keep up with daily reporting and its inherent deadlines. Writing for a daily and getting a grip on a too-wide beat required a rather high learning curve.
I spent night after night for a few months exhausted. Then I took on several projects that are keeping me busy.
But as the government spirals out of control - here and elsewhere - I've had enough.
First of all, what mendacity is the warrantless wiretapping bill wrapped in? Secondly, what insanity rolling back the writ of habeus corpus in the foreign detainee bill?
As if those two moves were not enough (on top of everything else in the five years since 9/11), there are the presidential signing statements circumventing the foundation of the government. Then, as the usually banal 60-Minutes revealed, the nation's 40,000 name no-fly list is riddled with errors, including 14 of the 19 hijackers responsible for 9/11.
If the FBI cannot keep a proper list then how is warrentless wiretapping going to help?
Just looking back at the errors and lies during the J. Edgar Hoover reign over the FBI should be example enough of what should never happen but that is happening before our eyes and with tacit or explicit cooperation.


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