Monday, December 12, 2005

Culture Shock

As the days pass, the figs are ripening and the Magnolia trees readying themselves for their wintertime bloom. It is always such a miracle when the burgundy and white petals burst open while all else in the garden lies dormant.

I am slowly readjusting to the time zone and to Berkeley - domestic culture shock.

Just as I was cursing the town for its lack of humor or charm, I saw the following: a bicycle driving in the street along a line of parked cars with a wheelchair chugging along to the left - almost directly in the center of the street. They paid me and my multi-ton automobile absolutely no attention, didn't bother to move out of the way. How Berkeley can you get? The dingy cafes that serve coffee in paper cups bother me more, as does the self-righteousness that permeates residents' attitudes. But then it doesn't really matter as long as the Magnolias bloom and the figs are sweet.


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